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This repository is meant to help create a quick start / Hello world version of a website using Jekyll and Markdown as a way of creating a website from plain text.

This page covers developer instructions to work with this repository.

Usage Pre-Requisites

This repository is meant to be a template repository for a Blog or a Website and uses Jekyll to transform markdown files into HTML. It has necessary setup to be deployed on to GitHub pages.

If you simply want to publish files using the default theme and markdown files and are happy to let Github pages do the publishing then the is not much to do just learn a little bit about Jekyll site structure and start creating posts inside the _posts directory. There is a getting started post already included there. You can start by editing that post.

A more detailed usage guide coming soon.

Developer Guide

For developers or programmers who want to have fine grained control over the site here are the steps.

If you want to edit and preview files on local machine then some set up is needed.


This template is meant to be a quick start for creating a website using Jekyll and Markdown. It includes ready GitHub Action for deploying to GitHub Pages using Jekyll. The file is jekyll.yml under .github/workflows is ready to use for deployments. All that is left is to set up GitHub pages deployment using this file as the configuration file for the GitHub deployment action.